365 days of trying something new

Vatche Atikian
4 min readDec 7, 2021

The beginning

I started this little experiment on April 1st 2020. Many thought it was an April fools day prank when I first announced it. But I was fully ready to invest in doing anything new or something I hadn’t done in a long time for a full year.

Why would I do this you ask? Day in and day out it was the same thing, over and over again. Especially since the pandemic imprisoned us in our own homes, I wanted to challenge myself to see if I can come up with new and innovative experiences for myself. Low and behold 250 days later and I’m still going at it. I’ll be honest, I didn’t think I would be able to make it this far.

The experience

One of the things I’ve enjoyed most about all of this, is the fact that I get to experience something that I’ve never done and in the process gain some knowledge and new skills that might come in handy in the future. One of my favourite things to do is learning from others and doing fun little challenges with other people.

Coming up with ideas

One of the trickiest parts is to think of 365 new things to do. There have been days where I’ve struggled to think of what I had to do for that day. I’ll be honest, most days I wing it and come up with random ideas on the spot. It’s really helped me re-engage with my creativity. I still have a list of things I want to do but my days aren’t always clear to do them. Hopefully I can get to all of them by day 365.

My love for baking

During this time I’ve really elevated my baking game. And I realized my passion for trying new recipes and experimenting with different ingredients. If you have been lucky enough to try my baking, you would know how much care I put into making sure they taste great.

The love, the laughs and the memories

This journey has been really great, with so much fun memories and the best part, it’s all documented on my Instagram. I’m glad I’ve gotten to experience this with friends and family. From baking to treetop trekking to silly string fights and trying my dogs food, I feel like I’ve grown as a person by stepping out of my comfort zone and seeing what new things I can try and sometimes the results have been memories that I won’t forget.

Final words

To those who feel like they are stuck in the constant loop of the day to day grind, take some time to try something new. Don’t be afraid of failure or looking foolish because most things you do for the first time may not end up as you plan, but you can say you at least tried it. Do something out of the ordinary to break the mundane day and you will see how much you will enjoy stepping out of the norm.

